Stronghold Headlamp Climbing Event!


Climbing gyms are really fun places to photograph. They're even more fun when they've got innovative and awesome event ideas. Like turning off all the lights in the gym, scattering the place with glows sticks, and making everyone climb with headlamps! Stronghold Climbing Gym recently had a headlamp climbing event and I got to capture it! With tripod and camera in hand, I followed the climbing lights and got to shooting. One of the coolest features of this event, was the augmented reality competition. They projected a fun computer-type game onto the bouldering wall. The game was timed and you had to hit the virtual numbers as fast as you could while climbing up the wall. They also had Evolv demo shoes for people to try out (brought to them by my bestie, Traci and her company, Caraway and Co). It was a smashing success!